alla domenica

carne alla griglia
pinse e molto altro
e oltre 50 cocktails

passano da noi
e sabato

del Rock
dalle 19.30 all’1.00
(venerdì e sabato fino alle 3.00)
DALLE 19.30 ALLE 24.00
Giorni e Orari

Welcome To Our Luxury Restaurant
It’s the story of an everlasting love affair, Dieter Delicioz and the Atlantic Ocean. Our proximity to the abundant.

Stiamo realizzando il nuovo sito, ma intanto vi lasciamo le informazioni principali!
APERTO da Mercoledì a Domenica!
dalle 19.30 all’1.00
dopo concerti, dopo partite, dopo teatro, ecc.
Via Bruschetti 11, angolo Via Zuretti – Milano
Telefono 02.23188575
WhatsApp: 351.8352477
i Nostri Menu
Scopri i nostri piatti e la nostra lista drink!
Customers Feedback
It’s the story of an everlasting love affair, Dieter Delicioz and the Atlantic Ocean in the big air.

“ Customer feedback is the information, insights, issues, & input shared by your community about their experiences with your company, product, or services. ”
Alonso D. Dowson
ceo of Alonso co.
“ Customer feedback is the information, insights, issues, & input shared by your community about their experiences with your company, product, or services. ”
Alonso D. Dowson
ceo of Alonso co.

Grab This Deal Before It Finished
It’s the story of an everlasting love affair, Dieter Delicioz and the Atlantic Ocean. Our proximity to the abundant riches of the sea and Portugal’s excellent produce.

Blog & Insights
It’s the story of an everlasting love affair, Dieter Delicioz and the Atlantic Ocean in the big air.